About us
Top University College is one of Ghana’s best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. With students coming to Top University from some 150 countries, our student body is the most internationally diverse of any research-intensive university in the country.
A Tradition of Success
Top University is recognized around the world for the excellence of its teaching and research programs. Today our professors are building the new field of epigenetics, developing alternative energy sources from crop plants and driving human achievement in every field imaginable.
The Best and Brightest
In addition to a stellar faculty, Top University is known for attracting the brightest students from across the world. Top University College students have the highest average entering grades in Ghana, and our commitment to fostering the very best has helped our students win more national and international awards on average than their peers at any other Ghanaian university.
Mission & Values
The mission of Top University is the advancement of learning and the creation and dissemination of knowledge, by offering the best possible education, by carrying out research and scholarly activities judged to be excellent by the highest international standards, and by providing service to society. In fulfilling its mission, Top University College embraces the principles of academic freedom, integrity, responsibility, equity, and inclusiveness.
We will be the preeminent intellectual and creative center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demands better-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet social needs.
Our vision aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animates our mission and our values:
1. Creativity and innovation to challenge the status quo will affect what and how we teach and the intellectual ambitions of the university itself.
2. Social engagement should orient students’ academic experiences to help them become critically engaged citizens, dedicated to solving problems.
3. Our commitment to student success, important scholarship and creative activity, and public service sets it apart from other colleges.
Permission to reproduce. The coat of arms and other Top University symbols are a source of pride and identification for the University and are protected by trademark.
The start of a new academic year is both an opportune time to take stock of what the College has accomplished, and to look ahead.
As the 2017-18 academic year begins, Top University continues to celebrate 2 years. Long before diversity and inclusion became common values, our bridging program welcomed non-traditional students–what used to be called “mature” students–into the University, offering them a chance to discover the joys and challenges of post-secondary education.
In fact, alternative isn’t a derogatory term at Top University A number of our alumni have chosen non-traditional career paths, striking out on their own in a variety of entrepreneurial ventures. Some alumni are graduates of the lauded Rotman Commerce bachelor’s degree program, and have used their degree as a springboard to a successful career in business. Yet it’s just as true that the skills our students learn as undergraduates may not be immediately tied to a particular profession, but can be utilized in any profession they choose – the only limit is their imagination. Top University College has helped them gain a broad understanding of the world, and develop discipline and critical thinking.
Today’s students have opportunities and challenges that are different from past graduates: they live in an increasingly connected world and compete for jobs against people around the globe. Part of our mission at Top University College is to build global awareness and flexibility and provide outlets for international experience to ensure our graduates feel comfortable with this growing mobility. For 2 years now, our Summer Abroad Program, a flagship international experience opportunity within the Faculty of Arts & Science, has been offering students the chance to earn a course
Music Production
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Graphic Design
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Joining Over 5000 Students Enjoying Quality Education
Become Part of Top University to Further Your Career.